Friday, April 30, 2010

Bucky Would Be Proud: Emergency Shelter Design at SIU

This week, the walkway along Faner Hall at Southern Illinois University has been graced with the work of--what I assume are--student designs for emergency shelter. It appears that the requirement for the project was to create an easy-to-assemble shelter out of plywood and a blue tarp that collects rain water. Other than the mock-up display boards that accompany most of these designs, there is little evidence of who created these gems or why (other then the assumed super-cool, socially-relevant class project). Regardless, I am glad to see that the tradition of design from simple materials, a concept that our own Bucky Fuller practiced here at SIU, continues. Here are a few highlights of our favorite designs.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mac & Lucy Travel to Japan

In 1960, my great grandparents embarked on a guided world tour. I am fortunate to have their travel diary and the thousands of slides (from this trip and others) my great grandfather took with his Leica camera. We've been scanning the slides to digital images, and I thought I would share a few highlights from their travels in Japan.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Projects (Small, Large, and Mostly Incomplete)

It's been over a month since my last post. Since the winter holiday break, the time I have had to work on the house has been limited, to say the very least; however, there have been a few opportunities to get in an hour here and there. Instead of waiting to make a post when the countless projects are finished, I decided to give an "in progress" update. (Perhaps looking back at the rough conditions these items are in at this point will make me even more appreciative--I hope--of the final product.)

MODERN LOG HOLDER (status: need to construct and paint center "element")
Several years ago, I grabbed this inspiration photograph off the web. This was a time when I was new to modern home design and desperate to find any ideas online. It was also before I ran across (or even considered the possibility of) resourceful blogs. During the holiday break, I decided the 20-degree weather was no reason to stay inside. I built the bottom "sled" out of scrap wood and attached cables at both ends to serve as inconspicuous supports (the inspiration design has posts instead). Right now, the logs are stacked, and all I need to do is build and paint the rectangle "element" for the middle. I imagine I'll use the left over orange paint we used for the front door.

Inspiration photo via... (I lifted it from the web in 2007 but don't remember where)

Working in 20-degree weather is a good excuse for a fire

Photo of cable supports attached to ceiling of overhang

FRONT COURTYARD FENCE (status: need to paint posts as well as stain and attach cross pieces; redirect and rewire new lights; weld, paint, and attach new gate)
We've been really missing our front courtyard fence. The old one was totally shot due to dry rot. Instead of painting it the new house color, I decided to tear it out last fall and wait until spring for a proper replacement. (I uploaded inspiration photos in a previous post.) The time has come, and though the progress has been slow, we should see this project completed next month. The bonus will be the addition of gate. I have a design in mind; I just need to see if I have some brother-in-laws willing to help me with the welding.

Construction begins on the fence with new posts set in concrete
Design idea for front gate (correction: cut pipes crosswise, not lengthwise)